Essays, New Tools and Eclipses……

Well after several weeks, days and hours, writing and re-writing, the drafts for both Essays are in. The cat was not so impressed, difficult to say if this was with the essays’ or lack of attention….

IMG_3257The Negotiated Option Essay is currently titled ‘Recording as a maker…’ and is a little over the word count (hopefully nobody will notice) It did feel that there was so much to talk about in a relatively short space, and I am not so convinced that I have done justice to the subject. I feel I have only begun to scratch the surface.

There was so much research and so many connections; the discoveries have really helped fuel the practice. Drawing similarities and being able to take theories and methodologies from other professions and makers, has been both refreshing and exciting. Now I need to spend time in developing the ideas and understand whether or not they will work in relation to my own work. IMG_3262 The second essay, the Critical Reflective Summary is titled ‘Materiality of Place’ this time I more or less hit the word count, give or take 32 words. This essay seemed to really come together, from initially writing all thoughts and feelings to being able to clarify direction when preparing for the MA Review, to the final editing.

IMG_3263The process of writing this essay has really begun to dot the i’s and cross the t’s for me. I feel that I have come so far since starting the MA. From the overwhelmed shaky beginning I now feeling more in control and confidant. The research is beginning to take shape, there is something quiet natural almost organic in the way that it is evolving though I feel now is the time to take control and give some structure and order to develop a research strategy. Though I know myself well enough to know that I have to stay focused and keep being self-critical and reflective, asking questions about what is informing the work. And now I wait for the input…….

My own small excavations led me to research how other professions document and record in the ‘field’, there was the natural connection with Archaeology, so with romantic thoughts of ancient Egyptian tombs, and the idea of needing some kind of ‘kit’ to be able to have your recording equipment to hand, I purchased some tools (whilst in Delft) that could become part of this ‘kit’.

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DSC05938And joy of joy’s it was also the eclipse this week which meant lots of airtime of the ‘Beautiful Brian Cox’……… Some how making the stars so accessible. Though my own attempts at recording the event where not so successful, it was a bit on the cloudy side.



To My Suprise…….

On my way home from a morning romp up Helsby Hill I notice that the house with the beautiful Strata still has no garage built. So I return with larger containers and my spade…….

DSC05534 DSC05536This time I decide to excavate a larger quantity of material from the Strata surface as that garage will be built at some point and all this beautiful surface will be hidden. I decide to take some more close up piccys of the surface, every time you look at it you see something different.

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I also decide to concentrate on the three main colours a deep red, lighter beige and rich yellow, managing to get some larger pieces.



DSC05554 DSC05556Looking at different methods of recording I have bought some test tubes and different sized chemical containers so that I can keep a visual record.


DSC05568My plan is to combine these materials with some of the clays that I use and experiment with some glazes. The idea being that I introduce elements and traces of my own history into my work. The Quarry being my Present. I have returned to the Art School since the  tutorial discussions and though I will not take materials from here fundamentally this is where my creative journey started. The Art School is a major chapter in my history. I am unsure about the buildings future but it would be a great location to use as a photographic backdrop for the work, if it remains standing? I do have a thought to perhaps use some transfer images on some of my forms and incorporate these with the material from the Quarry, Past and Present.Though initially my focus will be using the materials from the Quarry.

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